Sept. 29th 2019
Lecture Schedule & Free Activities
9:30 Lectures
Classroom A
Hormones - Do We Really Need Them?
By Dr. Karen Lottis, PhD NP How often have you gone to a medical provider with complaints of one kind or another – only to hear “your labs are perfectly normal!” … “There’s nothing wrong here!” We are often told that low hormone levels (estrogen and/or testosterone) are a normal part of aging and there’s nothing to be done … yet research affirms the importance of hormones to our quality of life and prevention against many chronic diseases. Bio-identical hormones - Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and thyroid are essential to our vitality and energy, skin integrity, mood stability, muscle strength and so much more. Yet men and women lose anywhere from 50 to 100% of their hormones by mid 40s, and many much sooner than that. Severe loss of energy or fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, loss of muscle tone and strength, thin wrinkled skin, vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence or urgency, erectile dysfunction, decrease in sexual interest/libido, weight gain, hair loss … these are just a handful of the symptoms of declining hormones. Individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or sleep apnea suffer a decrease in their hormones even faster. So many conditions are treatable such as chronic pain from a variety of issues, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression or anxiety, migraine headaches – all respond extremely well to hormonal balancing. Join us for a discussion on the most important aspects of bio-identical hormones with question time to follow! |
Classroom B
Prom[p]t Connect
Journal Circles Melissa Drinkman from Andrea & Co This lecture will focus on providing education of the benefits of journaling and yoga flow added to the end of the lecture. Our product is Prom[p]t Deep Awakenings Journaling Set. We launched on February 14th, 2019 and our website is and we also have a facebook page titled promptlove. We envision creating communities that come together to journal, reflect and grow together. As part of reaching that vision we have been holding Connect Circles throughout our respective communities (there are 3 founders; myself, one in WI and one in MN). The Connect Circle is a meditative journaling experience. We would engage in a Connect Circle for the lecture with some added components. During that lecture we would have sample product/cards that folks would choose (the way it works is that you choose a card with an image that resonates and on the other side is a journaling prompt focusing on spiritual growth and deepening). We would then ask participants not to look at the prompt on the other side yet and would discuss the benefits of journaling to personal growth and development. After that brief lecture we would engage in a brief meditation setting our intention for our journaling experience. Then we flip the cards, revealing the prompt and journal for 15 minutes. When the time is up we facilitate a period of sharing the experience with each other. We have found many people experience profound effects from this process and are delighted to share the experience. Some folks like to share their prompt and read what they wrote while others discuss the process itself. Finally we would engage in some simple yoga poses to assist our bodies in working through any negative energy that came up during the lecture. |
11:30 Lectures
Classroom A
Gong Meditation
Karyn Diane
A most glorious season of Prosperity and self discovery, release and new beginning is ushered in as we celebrate the Full Harvest Moon in September. Cultures around the world and throughout history honor the Harvest Moon's distinctive influence over our lives. It holds a powerful portal for spiritual transformation effective in the preparation for a Magical Season ahead.
During this season of Prosperity it is important to recognize the symbolism of the harvest moon in your life. A time to sort out, to release, to cleanse and Harvest your rewards birthed out of the hard work and dedication of the past 6 months.
Celebration is in order! Welcome new ideas, new beginnings and give way to the energies of September’s full moon in Aries; those of fire, strength and action. These energies are moving you quickly into position to manifest your dreams, a new way of being!
What are you harvesting as a result of past efforts? Where has your path led you? What needs to be released in order to manifest your best outcome for the last quarter of 2019?
The Stage is set for the Harvest and Self Discovery while you expand your awareness into new horizons. Grab this opportunity to open and receive your bounty. Claim your dream as you bathe in the harmonic resonance of the oceanic sounds of gongs, accompanied by the oscillating reverberation of crystal bowls in this improvisational Sound Bath with Karyn Diane Gong Master. A well played Gong can assist even the novice in quieting the mind almost instantaneously tapping into the Alpha, Beta and Theta states of awareness. When we deepen our experience of consciousness a biological response affecting positive change on emotional, physical and spiritual levels occurs. It is in the Beta and Theta states of awareness that we can literally shift our personal energy field into a more harmonious pattern of balance and healing.
Karyn Diane’s Sound Healing Gong Bath is a magnificent consciousness shifting experience and one that I highly recommend. ~Elizabeth C.
Private Groups Corporate Retreats Expos
Info: [email protected] 602-315-6364
Karyn Diane
A most glorious season of Prosperity and self discovery, release and new beginning is ushered in as we celebrate the Full Harvest Moon in September. Cultures around the world and throughout history honor the Harvest Moon's distinctive influence over our lives. It holds a powerful portal for spiritual transformation effective in the preparation for a Magical Season ahead.
During this season of Prosperity it is important to recognize the symbolism of the harvest moon in your life. A time to sort out, to release, to cleanse and Harvest your rewards birthed out of the hard work and dedication of the past 6 months.
Celebration is in order! Welcome new ideas, new beginnings and give way to the energies of September’s full moon in Aries; those of fire, strength and action. These energies are moving you quickly into position to manifest your dreams, a new way of being!
What are you harvesting as a result of past efforts? Where has your path led you? What needs to be released in order to manifest your best outcome for the last quarter of 2019?
The Stage is set for the Harvest and Self Discovery while you expand your awareness into new horizons. Grab this opportunity to open and receive your bounty. Claim your dream as you bathe in the harmonic resonance of the oceanic sounds of gongs, accompanied by the oscillating reverberation of crystal bowls in this improvisational Sound Bath with Karyn Diane Gong Master. A well played Gong can assist even the novice in quieting the mind almost instantaneously tapping into the Alpha, Beta and Theta states of awareness. When we deepen our experience of consciousness a biological response affecting positive change on emotional, physical and spiritual levels occurs. It is in the Beta and Theta states of awareness that we can literally shift our personal energy field into a more harmonious pattern of balance and healing.
Karyn Diane’s Sound Healing Gong Bath is a magnificent consciousness shifting experience and one that I highly recommend. ~Elizabeth C.
Private Groups Corporate Retreats Expos
Info: [email protected] 602-315-6364
1:30 Lectures
Classroom A
How to Live as Enlightened as Your Dog
Maureen Scanlon Discover how to live as enlightened as your dog in this interactive lecture with Maureen Scanlon, the founder and CEO of Maureen Scanlon Life Coaching. She is an Author, Relationship expert, Motivational Speaker, Positive change integrator and Spiritual Coach. Author of the book “My dog is more enlightened than I am”. She is passionate about teaching and guiding others to nurture the relationships in our lives, taking our lead from the animals in our world and the unconditional love they give. Explore how pet behaviors relate to our lives. Learn methods of overcoming past painful experiences and look at why we and others speak/act like we do. |
Classroom B
Thyroid Health - Strengthen the 5th Chakra
Dr. Andrea Purcell The throat chakra is located between the 3rd and 5th neck vertebrae and opens towards the throat. It governs the thyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx. To be open in the 5th chakra is to speak, listen, and express yourself well. Join Dr. Purcell as she takes us through the physical, emotional, spiritual journey of the 5th chakra. |
3:30 Lectures
Classroom A
SOULFUL SELF vs EGO… The emotional weight you carry is not YOU!
Ingrid Katal
Can you go through a day, week, month, or even a year without feeling emotional pain, heartache or dissatisfaction? It could be from something that someone said, did, an event that occurred, or just from living with less than. Certainly you can learn how to neutralize or minimize your emotions, but is it possible for that emotional weight to truly disappear? Do you believe THIS is what being yourself means? NEWSFLASH! The answer is NO! When there are no expectations, no judgments on self or others, no attachments to the outcome… then you are your true authentic SOULFUL SELF. Being your SOULFUL SELF means you have unconditional love, kindness, compassion, gratefulness, forgiveness in your heart to all and you live in the moment with complete emotional freedom 100% of the time, no matter what happens. It’s about bringing awareness that all emotional deposits are only 1 of 2 things… LOVE or EGO and that all challenges are ONLY about YOU and no one, or nothing else. Your wounds are now exposed and only YOU can heal from the core. It’s only about what changes YOU have to endure, what that looks like and feels like. It’s about what you have to LET GO of so that anxiety, anger, disappointment doesn’t surface. It’s time for the SOULFUL SELF to preform and the ego to step aside so YOU can live your true purpose of making a difference for all.
Ingrid Katal
Can you go through a day, week, month, or even a year without feeling emotional pain, heartache or dissatisfaction? It could be from something that someone said, did, an event that occurred, or just from living with less than. Certainly you can learn how to neutralize or minimize your emotions, but is it possible for that emotional weight to truly disappear? Do you believe THIS is what being yourself means? NEWSFLASH! The answer is NO! When there are no expectations, no judgments on self or others, no attachments to the outcome… then you are your true authentic SOULFUL SELF. Being your SOULFUL SELF means you have unconditional love, kindness, compassion, gratefulness, forgiveness in your heart to all and you live in the moment with complete emotional freedom 100% of the time, no matter what happens. It’s about bringing awareness that all emotional deposits are only 1 of 2 things… LOVE or EGO and that all challenges are ONLY about YOU and no one, or nothing else. Your wounds are now exposed and only YOU can heal from the core. It’s only about what changes YOU have to endure, what that looks like and feels like. It’s about what you have to LET GO of so that anxiety, anger, disappointment doesn’t surface. It’s time for the SOULFUL SELF to preform and the ego to step aside so YOU can live your true purpose of making a difference for all.