June 23rd 2019
Lecture Schedule & Free Activities
9:30 Lectures
Classroom A
Reiki in Your Daily Life for Protection, Grounding & Shielding
Annie Bancroft-Parvin Intro: Reiki for Protection, Grounding & Shielding Reiki is Universal Healing Energy belonging to all of us. All can access and utilize this Universal Modality for self-care, family-care, health-care, spiritual care, home care, our pets, the list is endless. I would like to explore with all of you the ways we can incorporate Reiki into the Everyday of our lives for the Positive. Grounding is not usually utilized in the usual Usui tradition of Reiki but I like to make sure I have cleared and grounded before each personal session or class as it sets the energy for the moment allowing the vibration to flow by removing and improving any lower energies benefitting all in preparation for set intentions. I will share how we can incorporate simple grounding techniques in our everyday to improve the momentum and improve in just moments our energy as we move throughout our day & environments. Shield and Protection are standard of care with Reiki and we will review steps to call on Reiki to implement in just a few simple steps how we can use in our everyday lives. My goal for this lecture is that you leave with a better understanding of Reiki and how we are able to increase our own energies in a simple way without the woo woo factor. Reiki is for Everyone and Anyone at any stage of life, in any career, any religion, it is indiscriminate and beneficial for all. |
Classroom B
Numerology -
You are Your Name Judith Shouler Numerology is an ancient science, based on the scientific hypothesis that all life vibrates. Our universe vibrates to a magnificent symphony of radiant hues, harmonies and geometric patterns. All life seen and unseen vibrates to this life force. Numerology is the foundation and key to unlocking and understanding the vibrational code of our life force and our world. Numerology’s knowledge and ancient roots date beyond recorded history. We attribute most of this knowledge of our modern Numerology to the teachings of an extraordinary man named Pythagoras born 570 BC. He is best known as the “Father of Mathematics”. “ONLY YOU” Only two pieces of information is needed for a Numerologist to create a birth chart; your full birth name as it appears on your birth certificate and your birth date. Numerology aliens your soul’s purpose with your outward personality. There are many charts a Numerologist uses to study one’s birth chart. Below is an example of just one. Just as one has a life review at the time of death, one also has before each incarnation the “Numerology use to Angelic Advisory Board of Rebirth”, to assist you in mapping a blueprint of one’s next life. Teachers and guides help the incoming spirit select the lessons and achievements of the next lifetime. The birth name, place and time of birth are carefully charted out to fit ones chosen life experience. The full birth name is the souls D.N.A. It is a road map of things to come. Each letter in one’s name has a numerical value and meaning. The placement of the letter in one’s name is also significant, whether it is in your first, middle or last name. The first name represents the physical aspects of one’s life. The middle name represents the emotional aspects of one’s personality. The last name represents the spiritual aspects of your life. Letters like planets have an effect upon one’s life as they transit through one’s life chart. The length of time each letter affects life is determined by the numerical value of the letter. EXAMPLE: A-J- S represent the number ONE and has a one year transit. The type of affect each letter will have on your life is determined by the placement of the letters, whether they are in your first, middle or last name. |
11:30 Lectures
Classroom A
Classroom B
Gong Meditation
Karyn Diane Champion your Inner-Child, Embrace your wholeness and move-out of the shadows into the Light. In this improvisational Sound Bath experience you will be guided, nurtured and supported as you engage with positive intentions in the playfulness of imagination. Come, bathed in the harmonic resonance of the oceanic sounds of gongs, accompanied by the oscillating reverberation of alchemy crystal bowls, oceanic drums and chimes inviting you to return to a natural state of harmony and well-being. Summer Solstice It is a time of Celebration! We are emerging from spring, a gestation period of birthing new ideas, into Summer Solstice energy, a time of manifestation and the ripening of the fruit for the harvest. Summer Solstice is celebrated to be the union between heaven and earth. It is a time to give thanks and express our gratitude for the light of the sun which nourishes all life on our planet. So, come explore, unshackle you spirit, let your soul dance, celebrate the light of your Inner-Child and connect to your innocence. The Sun’s abundant summer light, can assist by illuminate the essential energies to be released or redirected to sustain free will and free choice. Summer Solstice is a great time energetically to review and check-in. The pace of summer can move very quickly. So you may choose to re-examine or take a deeper look when setting your intention and goals for this coming year. The time is now to create your Summer Magic, Champion the Inner- Child, embracing wholeness and dance in the Light of the Summer Sun! Private Groups Corporate Retreats Expos Info: [email protected] 602-315-6364 |
Astrology, Synchronicity & Global Shifts
Gez Abel Astrology, Synchronicity & Global Shifts. Many astrologically-minded people are aware of Saturn return cycles, and perhaps, the lesser well-known, but equally valid Uranus opposition that is generally known as the midlife crisis. But what of the Uranus return, and the previous two times leading up to that, where the psychic, electric sky God of Mind left his marks in the material realms of Flower Child Virgo in the 1960's and Girl Power Capricorn in the 1990's? Moreover, What happened in the realms of consciousness dynamics during the last time He visited these pastoral Taurean energies, as above, and what became of those psychic fingerprints of the passing of His passage, amongst us, so below? Serendiptously timed to coincide with Neptune turning retrograde a few days before, join asteroid specialist astrologer Gez Abel on a whirlwind, alchemically-minded tour of where we are now, collectively, as a species undergoing mass Ascension, during this time of Uranus in Taurus – and much more. https://www.facebook.com/gez.abel.5 |
1:30 Lectures
Classroom A
Prom[p]t Connect
Journal Circles Melissa Drinkman from Andrea & Co It can be difficult to recognize established patterns of behavior without intentional practices of self-awareness. Journaling gives us the time and distance to reflect on a situation, an emotion or a behavior. It facilitates healing and growth, enabling the transformation of awareness into mindful living. In this workshop, you will be guided through an intentional writing process using a Deep Awakenings Prom[p]t Journaling Set. This tool combines visual images with written prompts, creating an optimal interactive journaling experience. Visual images are provided to promote a sense of introspection and consideration before beginning the journaling process. The prompts create a pathway to clarity. This workshop explores the benefits of journaling on the spiritual journey. Journaling can be considered a dialogue with soul in an effort to write toward wholeness of self. This class presents the opportunity to discover parts of self and a oneness of the universe. Come join us to journal and connect. During this meditative journaling experience there will be a brief meditation, time to journal and then space for reflection and sharing of insights. Often connecting with others brings greater understanding to our own life experience, individually and collectively. Participants will experience first hand the power of guided journaling. No prior journaling experience is needed; simply bring your favorite journal and a desire to connect to self and others. |
Classroom B
You are being Attacked by Electro Magnetic Pollution and What you can do About it.
Ricardo Avila You are responsible for Personal Defense. Otherwise known as Electromagnetic Radiation and Electromagnetic Frequencies. Electromagnetic Radiation and Electromagnetic Frequencies are all around us. Some are natural from the sun and the universe. Some are man manipulated and we are surrounded by these frequencies and radiation. In our homes and at work …. That is unless you work in the wilderness. Electric Appliances, Smart Electric Meter, Wireless Router, Wireless Computer & Monitor, Television, Clock Radio, Alexa, Cell Phone Wireless Thermometer, Microwave Oven, Smart Refrigerator, Fitness Trackers, Smart Watches, Etc, Etc ,Etc…….. One of the worst places to use your cell phone is inside your car. We live in a wireless world. There are “Hot Spots” everywhere and as a modern necessity, Cell towers and routers, It has become an extreme source of stress. How does all this EMR and EMF affect you / us. Some people are more sensitive than others.Some people complain of: Sleeping problems, Headaches when in an area with a lot of EMF/EMR and they leave and headache dissipates, Difficulty concentrating Exhausted after working in front of computer all day, Dry Skin Dry and tired eyes. Discover How can you protect yourself and your family from this Electro- Pollution. |
3:30 Lectures
Classroom A
Holographic Healing & How to Improve Your Health
Viviane Chauvet Holographic healing assists you in creating your templates for your 5th dimensional and higher dimensional experience and ascension. It removes pre-programming of fear, isolationism, irritation, doubt, lower illusion of separation and helplessness, and any form of disconnect from your Heart Center, Mind, and Divine Spirit. Your emotional challenges have been the physical symptoms you wish to heal. My team of Masters and I work with your holographic matrix, which evolves and adapts according to your awakened state of consciousness. We co-create with your Higher Divine Expression (Self) new structures of reality that mold and change profoundly how you perceive and connect to yourself, your world, your gifts & talents, and others around you (including other life forms – animals, E.T.’s, plants, Earth, etc.).Your DNA is evolving and shifting in the process. |
Classroom B
Empowerment with the Warrior Goddess
Renee Damoiselle The Bad-Ass Chicks of Mythology: Empowerment with the Warrior Goddesses! In this workshop, we will explore the mythologies of several warrior goddesses and what meaning they have for women today. The Feminine Warrior archetype has been represented in many cultures around the world. You will have the opportunity to find the Warrior Goddess whose energies are most compatible with your own. You will learn proper (and improper) ways of honoring Her and gaining Her favor for your personal endeavors. We will also discuss the warrior spirit in real women of history to inspire and move us forward! |